Theater Under The Stars – Perry Hotter & The High School Musical
Live Family Comedy Theater presents original broad comedy farce musical: Perry Hotter & The High School Musical
Imagine the musical kids of “High School Musical” cross-pollinating with the magical cast of “Harry Potter” and that’s what “Perry Hotter & The High School Musical” is…a hilarious hodge-podge of magical-musical merriment and mayhem.
“Laugh ‘til your cheeks hurt” as the boy wizard “Perry Hotter” attempts to save Hagworts and get the girl, Gabby-Ella, by starring in the all-school musical! Can the sorcerer sing and dance? Will Perry succeed or will he crash and burn? Will Ron Weasel get his “Digditch” team to play basketball or will he crash and burn? Will the evil Volvo-Mart jinx the musical and close down Hagworts or will he crash and burn? Will Hermini outsmart Gabby-Ella and win the Scholastic Tournament or will she crash and burn? All these questions and more are answered in our clean family comedy musical farce extravaganza…Perry Hotter & The High School Musical! Hagworts is under a trance, but can the boy-wizard save it by learning to sing and dance? Don’t Miss the “magic” and join us!